Zebra Heights
Possibly commanding the best view at Tomjachu, the Zebra heights picnic spot lies atop the highest point on the property, with trees casting delicious shade to cool off in after the steep climb to this stunning location. Looking South you see the three distinctive peaks of the Bekker mountains, whilst looking North, you can see the famous lion head rock of Legogote far on the horizon, where ancient bushman paintings remain perfectly preserved in caves below the summit. From this elevated position you can scan the Tomjachu reserve below and watch the animals going about their daily business – giraffe browsing the tree line, wildebeest moving through the grass, and even eagles soaring below your feet on the lookout for prey. During the winter months the zebra often frequent the plains on top of the mountain to take advantage of the new grass growth which comes with the mists which roll over the mountain in the early morning, and it is here that you have the best chance of spotting Mountain Reedbuck.