Accommodation | Activities | Landscapes | Flora | Fauna | Birds | Trail Cams | Guest Photos | The Stoepsitters
At various points across the Tomjachu nature reserve we have deployed a number of remote Trail Cameras. These trail cams are designed to photograph animals in their natural habitat undisturbed by human presence, and provide a variety of useful insights into the wildlife which calls Tomjachu home. The images and data we gather from these cameras not only allows us to record what species we have on the reserve (particularly the more timid creatures), but also provide us with valuable insights into animal movement and behaviour, which helps to inform our wildlife management decisions on the reserve. The cameras have been kindly loaned to us by Sarah E. Huebner, Research Manager at Snapshot Safari and the University of Minnesota Lion Center, with the assistance of Dr. Mike Peel from the ARC.
Accommodation | Activities | Landscapes | Flora | Fauna | Birds | Trail Cams | Guest Photos | The Stoepsitters